Gales Creek Sub-Basin Restoration Action Plan
The Gales Creek Sub-Basin has been identified by the Tualatin River Watershed Council as a high-priority area for Upper Willamette River (UWR) steelhead spawning and rearing as well as for other native fish and wildlife. Many Tualatin River Basin partners have been active in restoration projects throughout the Gales Creek Sub-Basin. This restoration work includes wetland, riparian, and upland enhancement; large wood placement; replacement of fish passage barrier culverts; and increased streamflow.
This Restoration Action Plan builds on past restoration accomplishments by providing a framework and systematic approach to restoration throughout the Gales Creek Sub-Basin. The Restoration Action Plan evaluates the factors limiting focal fish populations (winter steelhead, coho salmon, Pacific lamprey, and cutthroat trout) and water quality and identifies approaches and activities that will address watershed health issues over time.