Lower Gales Creek Habitat Enhancement Plan
The purpose of this report is to outline a 5-year anadromous fish habitat enhancement plan for a four mile reach of lower Gales Creek, a tributary of the Tualatin River (see Figure 1-1). The Lower Gales Creek Habitat Enhancement Plan (Lower Gales Plan) builds upon a base of work conducted through a watershed assessment process, habitat studies, and work performed by the Tualatin River Watershed Council (Council) stream and riparian restoration committee.
The Lower Gales Plan was developed in response to a U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) request for proposal to evaluate and prioritize factors limiting salmonid production, particularly winter steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), and develop a 5-year habitat restoration plan for one priority area within the Tualatin River Watershed. The BOR is providing funds to mitigate for loss of salmonid habitat caused by the construction of Scoggins Dam and the creation of Henry Hagg Lake.